Events & Activities
Monthly Social Calendars
At Lang Nelson, each of our communities have their own character. We create our social programs and partnerships around the residents that live within each community. Each month, we meet one-on-one with a variety of residents to understand their stories, their likes and interests, and what they do for fun. From those interactions comes our full and vibrant social programs. Programs that are chosen by and for our residents.
- Monthly lunch and dinner outings
- Chat and Chowder luncheons
- Cards
- Board Games
- Bingo
- Live entertainment
- Educational programs
- Spiritual programs
- Bible Study
- Outdoor games
- Resident Council
- Volunteer Appreciation
- Charitable Outreach
- Resident Lead Clubs
- ...and so much more!
Here are some snapshots of our most recent events!

Resident Council
Our Resident Councils are groups of residents that meet monthly to have an informative discussion about social programs and events within the community. Our residents' opinions and ideas are welcomed. This forum strengthens the participation and success of our daily events and programs.

Volunteer Appreciation
Volunteering your time to help support and serve others is a core belief within our communities and company. We foster volunteering by busing to local food distribution centers at select communities or holding charitable drives within all our communities. Volunteers are key in helping support our on-site social programs and events. We appreciate and celebrate our community volunteers and welcome their participation.

Garden Club
Gardening provides our residents a great deal of pride within our communities. Whether it is our raised garden beds or in-ground garden plots, our residents get to enjoy the planting, caring for, and harvesting of their fruits and vegetables. From hosted salad parties to farmers markets- the joy and pride our residents have in watching their gardens grow is priceless.