Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Smith for calling Emerald Pointe home!
What perfect timing to announce our pick for the resident spotlight for November with Willie F. Smith and Saeda M. Smith. As you will definitely relate to the below article about them and tying it with Veteran’s Day.
Willie and Saeda are very proud and are outstanding citizens of the United States. Willie served in active duty in the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1969 and then in 1970 for eight years in the Illinois National Guard. Currently Willie is very active with Veteran Affairs and facilitates with veterans groups on veteran issues in Minnesota. He is a member of the National Vietnam Art Museum in Chicago. Willie has displayed artwork and Vietnam War historical memorabilia at the National Vietnam Art Museum in Chicago. One very interesting story that Willie informed me on was that he met Shawn Flynn who worked as a CBS news consultant. Shawn Flynn disappeared in the III Corp, SVP Cambodia who was the son of actor Errol Flynn.
The Smith’s moved to Emerald Pointe in June of 2015. Willie is retired and Saeda works fulltime and is attending nursing school fulltime. “The staff is exceptional with friendliness, handling of issues fast and in a timely manner. Both Dan and Calvin have a quick response to maintenance issues.” Willie and Saeda were looking to find an apartment that had all of these qualifications. Back in 2015, Willie was having knee surgery and really wanted a home that had elevators. And of course, Sue was eager to accommodate this. As Willie stated “Sue took them hostage and even came to their home to sign them up”. What a deal breaker! Thank you for making Emerald Pointe your home.
Emerald Pointe Apartments
7611 36th Avenue North
New Hope, MN 55427