Cloverleaf Courts and Avail Academy: Partners in FUN!
Each year, Mr. Kroeze’s 5th graders come and meet residents, pair up with one or two for the school year, and visit monthly to play games, read, share songs, and learn more about each other. It has been a relationship we’ve partnered with them on for several years. Each May we say goodbye to this group of 5th graders this month and will welcome a new group next fall. Our last visit is May 14th this year. In the fall, we donated a portion of our School Supplies Drive to Avail. Residents also get an invite to their yearly musical, with a special performance during their final dress rehearsal.
Avail Academy is a private Christian K-8 school that was formed in 1961. There are 80+ local churches represented within their student body, and they offer many opportunities for their students to volunteer and engage their local community. Our residents and the 5th grade students love visiting and getting to know each other. Many form friendships that keep them in touch even after graduating high school and going off to college. It truly is a special part of our community. We look forward to strengthening our relationships with Avail Academy as this intergenerational programming opportunity for our residents continues year after year.
You can learn more about Avail Academy by visiting their website (, and you can learn about our community by calling us today to schedule your tour. We have upcoming availability and would love to show you how you’ll love living with us at Cloverleaf Courts!
Cloverleaf Courts
1011 Cloverleaf Parkway NE
Blaine, MN 55434
Jake Ilika
Blaine Campus Manager
Mary Beth Yamaguchi
Blaine Campus Assistant Manager