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| Community: Broadway Village

What a night to Unite at Broadway Village!

National Night Out or Night to Unite has been celebrated nationwide since 1984 - Its origins date back as early as the 1970’s! National Night Out aka NNO, was founded by Matt Peskin, a man living in the western suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Matt spent many years volunteering for his neighborhood’s Lower Merion Community Watch Program, but still, he knew more was needed. After connecting with other surrounding communities, in hopes for sharing common interests and attaining more resources to benefit all, he was able to bring neighborhood watch groups and other associations to do more than just create symbolic efforts of neighborhood camaraderie, but truly bring people together! At Broadway Village we celebrate NNO every year on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, we eat, we dance, we laugh, we play games, invite out our VIP’s and win prizes! What a wonderful time we had!

For more information on National Night Out please visit the link :

Join us for our next Celebration the Fall Party Friday October 19th @5:30pm

We welcome you to visit our community and see for yourself. Plan to stay for any of our activities and tour one of our beautiful 1- or 2-bedroom apartments with their great views of the community, garden and enjoy a warm cup of coffee at our coffee shop!
Broadway Village Apartments