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Broadway Village: Let’s Celebrate!

February doesn’t just mark the month of love, it marks a time to remember, remember and celebrate Black History Month! So where did Black History come from and why should it be celebrated? The idea of celebrating Black History was originally set to be celebrated during the second week of the month of February by Carter Woodson, an African American Historian in 1926. Choosing the second week of February was no coincidence as this marked the birthdays of two prominent men who were mightily impactful in the lives of African Americans: Abraham Lincoln and Fredrick Douglas. Overtime, Black History Week became inspirational within schools and communities across the nation thus creating Black History Month! This month, Broadway Village chose to celebrate Black History Month with a delicious dinner and guest speaker Aiysha Mustapha to commemorate African American’s and their contributions to American culture and History – isn’t that worth celebrating?!

Click the link below for ways you can celebrate or learn more about Black History this month in the Twin Cities:

We welcome you to visit our community and see for yourself. Plan to stay for any of our activities and tour one of our beautiful 1 or 2 bedroom apartments with their great views of the community, garden and enjoy a warm cup of coffee at our coffee shop!

Broadway Village Apartments