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| Community: Blaine Courts

National “Noon” Out at Blaine Courts

One of the things we pride ourselves on at Blaine Courts and all of Lang Nelson is taking suggestions from our residents and implementing their ideas into our programming.  As celebrated Night to Unit / National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6, our residents suggested we celebrate at noon so more residents can attend.  Blaine Police Department officials who frequent these events will be busy attending all they can in the evening, so we kicked it off early at noon for a better chance at engaging with them before they get busy and full of great food.  We came together as a community, grilled out, had potluck, listened to music, gave away door prizes, and had lots of fun!

“National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.” Since 1984, it’s been celebrated across the country on the first Tuesday in August but traces its beginnings to the western suburbs of Philadelphia back in 1970 as a way to promote safety and build trust with locals and their police departments and officers sworn to protect and serve them.  Since then, it has gone nationwide, and neighborhoods throughout the country come together for a few hours to celebrate together and engage with police to promote neighborhood safety.  You can learn all about the history of National Night Out on their website:

Joining a 55+ community is a change for any senior, and we’re here to help you make that change, live a high quality of life through offered events and programming, and feel safe in your new home by fostering relationships with local authorities, promoting safety in our community, and coming together to make our apartment communities feel like neighborhoods.  Call us today to hear about our availability, attend an event (call us if you’d like to attend our noon-out so we get enough hot dogs!), and see our unique approach to property management in full swing.  Jake and Mary Beth are here to answer your questions and schedule your tour today!

Blaine Courts
701 85th Ave. NE
Blaine MN, 55434

Jake Ilika
Blaine Campus Manager

Mary Beth Yamaguchi
Blaine Campus Assistant Manager