The Joyous Happenings at Summit Oaks!
Here at Summit Oaks it is a busy and joyous time of year. There are so many exciting things happening! To start, Lang Nelson improving the Landscaping by removing dead trees and planting new ones. It is going to be beautiful when they are finished! In addition to landscaping, we purchased a bran new flag to replace our current one. We will be having a flag raising ceremony on Veterans Day to Honor our Veterans. We appreciate ALL that our veterans have done and continue to do for this country!!! We will also be accepting donations for the DAV (Disabled American Veteran’s) and their families! Next on things happening at Summit Oaks, everyone received hand crafted, fall favor treat bags at their doors! This lovely idea came from The Resident Council, thank you to the Crafty Corner for all of your hard work.
We have many exciting things happening in the future at Summit Oaks including a Benihana’s trip, hay rides, Bingo nights, Wii bowling, and our Resident Appreciation Dinner on November 12th! We will be delivering delicious meals door to door to everyone who has signed up to partake.
Finally, we are very proud to announce that Lang Nelson has won an additional 3 more MADACS awards, bringing the current total to 132! What an outstanding community.
May you and your families enjoy a safe, healthy, and happy Holiday Season! If you or a loved one is looking for a place to live, look no further than Summit Oaks!
Call or email us today at 763-421-3152 |