Thu., Mar 28, 2019
Community: Cloverleaf Courts
The Cloverleaf Courts Potato Bar Fundraiser was a huge hit!
Cloverleaf Courts resident Rick S. donated all the funds for the purchase of all the potatoes, fixins’, paper products and yummy dessert used for this fundraiser! WOW! Talk about Above and Beyond! Thank you to Rick S. and the potato bar crew that put in so much work for this fundraiser.
All proceeds go to the Cloverleaf Courts resident council.
P.S. - Rick S. is the man in the back ground of this picture! Rick also worked on the potato bar crew! Check your April calendar for another potato bar fundraiser on Friday April 5th! Sign up and bring a friend--- or two!
Cloverleaf Courts
1011 Cloverleaf Parkway
Blaine, MN, 55434
(763) 784-0063